Extract from "Kathmandu Taxi'  ISBN 979-8-89443-911-2  Release Date September 2024 (Fiction) But is it True?
All text and Images are copyright and the property of Don Hill. No text or images may be copied or used without the express permission of Don Hill. Copyright 2024.
Any references to people living or deceased is only coincidental.

Don Hill was interviewed about Kathmandu Taxi on the 24th of June 2024 by Noosa Radio. Interviewer Maxine Stibbe Broadcast Live Australia Wide

Curfew in Kathmandu
He pondered this as he walked along the dark streets back 
to Thamel. 
She had been very nice to him and she was beautiful and 
intelligent and had all the things that a women needed to 
to be wanted. He wanted her. Now. 
Owen loves Asia. 
Could he possess and hold her close to him or would he have 
to let her go forever and lose her not knowing what she was like 
being with him.
It was not about winning or losing it was about life in a modern 
uncaring era of man and woman’s time on Earth. 
In the gravity of the situation with the Civil War many 
civilians had been killed and injured with land mines, guns 
and other means of killing people. 
It would be good for Manisha to leave and possibly 
go somewhere else safe so she could work and support her 
family although the war would be over soon. 
There was still danger on the streets and the rebels and 
Moaists were deep in the heart of Kathmandu.
Eventually Owen arrives back at the Kathmandu View 
and it is closed up so he goes next door to the restaurant 
and they call the reception for him so someone can come out 
and let him in. 
Back in his bed he is dreaming again and he is in a large 
room which is blue and dark with sparkling silver foil floating 
in the air.  
There is activity and noise down at the other end of the room 
but he cannot see what is happening except that there is some 
light emanating from a timber table and what appears to be 
a person sitting on it in a prostrate position. 
Come take my hand and I will guide you and show you 
your life as it should be with Manisha. 
We still have many things to do together even though we 
will be far apart soon and you will meet another and another 
who will change your life forever. 
She is the one you must be with not me.
She is the one that will help you find peace in this dull life 
of the wheel of existence. 
No one can else can do that for you except her. 
Kali and Ganesh told me this through the ether and the black
breeze from the stars. 
Kali told me this truth Owen.  
She has her arms outstretched in the Astral Realm. 
Owen! She says. I am here to help you across the lake of 
Samsara even though I am a Hindu the stars will guide your 
way to Nirvana.
The next evening Manisha arrives at Owens hotel.
The four kilometre walk shows as stress on her face which 
the insane traffic and lunatics on motorcycles have seen to. 
Owen smiles and looks at her pleased that she 
has again walked and come back into his life. 
He pulls her towards him but she resists.
Are you drunk and mad?
No I just want you.
We cannot do this straight away Owen so you need to have 
some what do you call it?
Sorry Manisha I find you hard to resist and our time is narrow. 
I am the same to but we need to sensible.
Is it not sensible to want to feel your face close to mine and 
your face on my chest. 
Can’t you wait. 
Hardly but yes ok a little while.
I have been waiting all my life for you Manisha. 
Can ten minutes more be so hard?
It must have been the tea in the Square. 
Yes our tea sometimes has an effect on people. 
“Hey you should have caught a taxi here." 
I don't mind to pay for it." 
“How do you know I walk." 
"No need to say I just know." 
I can see the stress on your face.
"So don't do that again." 
"Just get a taxi and if I am not here the reception will pay 
with my say so."
"That is okay they just put it on my bill." 
"Promise me you will not do that again." 
"Ok I promise." 

Copyright Don Hill 2024

Interview with Bronwyn Holm about Kathmandu Taxi 2024

Tell me about Kathmandu Taxi.

Yeah sure.

I wrote the first very brief draft in 2008 after my second visit to Nepal but it obviously
needed a tidy up and a haircut.
I am happy with it now.

What is it about?

It is about adventure and encounters with other cultures with the main character
being a chap called Owen Stanley.

What is Owen like?

He has spent the last few years in the UK working at anything he can get an
income from and at long last he has enough money to go travelling further

Where does he go?

He has this dream of traveling to India to buy a Sitar, learn to play it properly
and meet his idol Ravi Shankar but he is disillusioned when he arrives as the vibe of the
Sub Continent does not suit him and Ravi is actually living in England and
California by that time and is very old.
He finally gets to Nepal but realizes that Kathmandu even though it was one of
the main Hippy trails of the early 60s and 70s has totally changed.
So what happens next in his story?
Nepal has really changed and it is not the same and welcoming as it used to be.
In fact it is highly dangerous for locals, foriegners as well as men and women
He arrives in Nepal in the middle of the Civil War with the Marxists which is a
little bit daunting but he realizes that if he does not take the risk or chance he
might as well have stayed in England out at Ascot in the safety of Tittenhurst
He prefers to meet and converse with locals instead of people from Europe and
his own country as they could influence his thought.
He couldn't be happier to get away from this crowd although he has made many
friends along the way.
The locals know how to get around and also converse and get out of most
Especially people carrying guns.
Obviously he meets women who help him and become his guide and sometimes
he falls in love with them and even though it may seem like brief encounters he
still continues to be in contact with them even after he leaves as he does still love them.
You know money doesn't last forever.
One girl in particular has taken his fancy.
She convinces him to travel back to India and go to Darjeelling and Gangtok
which she says will adjust his negative thoughts about the sub continent. He
asks her to go with him but she refuses as she has to look after her mother's stall in Dubar
Square in Basantapur.
He travels to Darjeeling which he loves and this is the start of a new journey of
finding out about himself.
His true inner self.
There is in no need for mediation on top of a mountain or finding a Guru to help
him discover the truth.
Only him. Only Owen can do this. Although he still meets up with locals.
Finally he becomes self aware of who he really is even through the haze of alternative practices
and finds reality and not just a fake world that predominates human society and is structured by money and greed.
He realizes that humans are here for a higher cause, not just being involved in useless controlling ideology that is put upon them by those in high places.
It is still a Cast system whether it is in India or everywhere else around the world.

Yes go on.

On his journey he doesn't take any friends with him as he does not want to
influenced by anyone into their pack mentality or preconcieved ideas about different places.
He just wants to experience what it is like traveling alone in a places where he will see few Westerners.
One day he might even get married to that girl in Kathmandu but he loves his
freedom more than marriage.
The girls that he meets love him but also hate him at the same time knowing that
they could not convince him to marry them and he will depart and probably
never come back even if he says he will.
So this is his adventure during a time of Civil unrest with a lot of risk and
pressure on the local population.
It's a story about his encounters at the Roof of the World.

And how did Owen Stanley come about.

Oh that.


He was always on a quest to find his true self even in risky situations.
There were places that he would not travel to but given that he wanted to
experience what it was like to live among locals, eat their food, feel their
emotions and live (even briefly) like they did.
His mother and father lived in New Guinea and Richard his father was a world
authority on insects especially Lepidoptera and worked for the Australian and
Papuan Governments in that capacity.
He was friends with Ray Statham up at Kuranda and that Garry guy up in the
Atherton area.
Oh ok.
Thank you Don and we all hope the book will be incredibly successful for you.
Bronwyn Holm